The National Network has been contacted by sources revealing that all women in the Alice Springs prison have been relocated to Darwin Correctional Centre without prior warning or their consent.

‘This forced transfer is in direct violation of the women’s rights, placing significant barriers between the women, their families, and vital re-entry and support services. The National Network demand an immediate explanation from the government regarding this decision,’ said Debbie Kilroy. 

‘The Darwin Correctional Centre is located a considerable distance from Alice Springs, isolating these women from their families and children and obstructing their ability to receive critical visits from their children and families, said Tabitha Lean.

‘This decision disregards the foundational recommendation of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, which clearly states that Aboriginal people should be detained as close to their family or community as possible to maintain vital cultural and familial connections,’ said Tabitha Lean.

‘This new government has already signalled that they will not hesitate to put kids in children’s prisons at risk of serious harm by lowering the age of criminal responsibility and reintroducing spit hoods. Now we have this action, and what it tells us is that the lives of those behind bars just do not matter to this government,’ said Tabitha Lean.

‘This harmful, unilateral move risks devastating impacts, including increased mental distress and the potential for deaths in custody,’ said Debbie Kilroy. ‘It speaks to a broader, systemic targeting of Aboriginal communities, which is exacerbated by ongoing political and media rhetoric aimed at criminalising and marginalising Aboriginal people in Australia,’ said Debbie Kilroy.

‘The guillotine has come down on women and children for the powerbrokers in government who continue to create unfounded fear in our communities. This “racial dog-whistling” and fear- mongering continues to contribute to the ongoing genocide of Aboriginal people in this country,’ said Debbie Kilroy.

‘The government must provide a swift and humane resolution to this issue, ensuring that these women are returned to Alice Springs, close to their families and the communities that sustain them,’ said Debbie Kilroy.

‘This gross injustice cannot be ignored, and as National Network with members in both Alice Springs and the Northern Territory, we demand answers immediately before further harm is done to these women, their children, and their communities,’ said Debbie Kilroy.

For further comment, please contact Debbie Kilroy on 0419 762 474 or Tabitha Lean on 0499 780 226