Join The Network
Are you a formerly incarcerated women or girl or do you know a women or girl who is currently incarcerated across so-called Australia? Would they or yourself be interested in joining a sisterhood bound by shared experiences and a political commitment to ending the incarceration of women and girls? Would they or yourself want to further your skills in public speaking, team work, writing, leadership, and group decision making? Joining The National Network means being apart of a community that is actively thinking about how the expertise of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women and girls can be used to move towards abolition on these lands.

Become a Member
What we Do and why
The Voice of Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls
What does The Network do? Well, in short we represent the interests of our sisters who have been, or are currently trapped in cages. The National Network is a membership organisation and so our member initiatives shape the work that we do. Because of this what we do will change over time based on our members. At the moment, we are focusing on critiquing policy, and shifting the narratives that are made about us. We welcome all initiatives by incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women and girls who uphold our shared values and vision. We are always seeking to develop our activities that are aimed at changing the systems and structures that sustain prisons, police and borders.
Government submissions and consultations
At The Network we believe that the married forces of the government and the private sector cause our experiences of violence. Due to our intimacy with this violence, we are the experts in how to dismantle it. While, “the masters tools will never dismantle the masters house”, providing an abolitionist critique of policy can expose who policy really serves to protect.
media & appearances
Until we are the holders of the pen that writes our futures, that is, until we own and control our own representations, our stories will be left untold. With this in mind, also engaging with the mainstream media through interviews, appearances, and media releases can help with political pressure and it can be an excellent way to show solidarity with our sisters inside.
podcasts, research, workshops, information resources & more
The National Networks Works in Progress.