In light of the Victorian Government’s recent decision to backtrack on its commitment to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14, we acknowledge the frustration and anger within our communities. ‘This decision is not just a disappointment—it is a stark reminder that the welfare of our children is not the priority of those in power. Instead, they are focused on populist ‘tough on crime’ reforms that do little more than win votes, while taking us back to the damaging policies of the past,’ said Debbie Kilroy. ‘It is clear to everyone that the government’s priorities lie elsewhere, and it certainly is not with criminalised children and their families,’ said Debbie Kilroy.

‘The proposed amendments to the Youth Justice Bill and Bail Act are a clear signal that the government is more concerned with punitive measures than with addressing the disadvantages faced by young people, such as racism, poverty, trauma, and the lack of support services,’ said Debbie Kilroy. ‘These changes to Bail laws will result in an increased number of children being locked up, including more Aboriginal children. This is a system criminalising by design,’ said Debbie Kilroy.

‘As a National Network we have not been in favour of raising the age, instead choosing to fight against the wholesale caging of children. We view the raising the age campaign, as a kneecapping of our demands for justice and failing a generation of children who deserve better. We want every single child free from a cage. Leave no one behind.’ said Tabitha Lean.

‘We must go further. It is not enough to simply raise the age of criminal responsibility—we must abolish the cage altogether. The continued criminalisation of children is a moral failing, and it is our duty to ensure that we protect our children from a system that seeks to punish rather than uplift,’ said Tabitha Lean. ‘We owe our children a duty to care. It is time for all of us to step up as responsible adults and advocate for what is truly right for our children. The criminalisation of children must stop, and we must focus on providing the holistic support they need to thrive in their communities, not behind bars,’ said Tabitha Lean.

‘It has been fifty years since I was first locked up in a children’s prison and nothing positive has changed. In fact the only thing that has changed is there are more prisons,’ said Debbie Kilroy. ‘In the wake of the government backflipping on their promise, let this be a call to action: we will not settle for half-measures, and we will not be silent in the face of injustice. Let’s work towards a future where our children are nurtured, supported, and free from the harm of the prison system. Let abolish the cage,’ said Debbie Kilroy.

For further comment, please contact Debbie Kilroy on 0419 762 474 or Tabitha Lean on 0499 780 226